We are truly happy when we are given to do many and big walls.
It is great working in such large scale, because somehow you can say everything on the subject, in visual way.
The advantages of using wallpapers, instead of tiles for such spaces, are many. Check below few key ones:
– No waiting for delivery (as it is with all not mainstream tiles)
– The graphic is unique and, in this location, only
– The installation is clean and fast (we installed all wallpapers in 5 hours)
– Changing the wallpapers can be done easy and quick, in a few days.
– For wet and humid spaces, we use wallpaper material and print, which are resilient to water, humid, scratches and cleaning with detergents.
All wallpapers are executed on Seamless Vinyl “Linen”.
Each wall, including the 23m one behind the pool, is installed seamlessly, no joints.
Peroject by: GlavBolgarStroy